Feature Presentation … Joe Trio
April 21, 2023 @ 7:00pm.
Trinity United Church, Gravenhurst
From their website www.joetrio.com … in their own words …
JOE TRIO is not your average piano trio. They don’t want to be neatly categorized, but instead strive for diversity, versatility, and more than a little humour and unpredictability. Their repertoire consists of the classics – from Papa Haydn to Uncle Shostakovich, new works by contemporary composers, and their own arrangements of popular, jazz and rock tunes. And they’re not afraid to mix together so many styles of music into a single piece it makes your head spin.
More than virtuosi, the Trio’s members are fantastic performers who engage the audience in a way few classical musicians can. Amply witty, charming, and tremendously musical, Joe Trio leaves audiences with a new appreciation for classical music.
“The performance combined a wide range of both classical and contemporary music with a delightful twist of humour and superb musicianship producing a concert sparkling with brilliance.”
Creston Valley Advocate
“No average Joes could captivate equally well with either their quips or the classics… musically expert, highly entertaining…”
Christine Pilgrim, Vernon Morning Star
“Everything about the Joe Trio seems to be tongue-in-cheek. Theirs is an unbelievable level of sophistication paraded about in a clown costume. The concert opened with the Black Dog Rondo by ‘J.S. Plant.’ Even an expert would have been hard pressed to rec- ognize the rondo form, unless the ensemble!s periodic vocal outbursts in falsetto were actually the rondo sections and the pastiche of J.S. Bach melodies were the diversions. But good Joes they were, and before the show could spin totally out of control, the artists proved their artistry with a cap- tivating reading of the Opus 15 Trio in G Minor by Bedrich Smetana. It was so well and movingly played that I was tempted to join in the applause between the movements.”
Kelowna Community Concerts
Not Your Average Piano Trio
“Joe Trio is definitely ‘not your average piano trio’ and I cannot be the only member of Sunday’s audience who left their concert with an idiotic grin on his face. Their ability to switch almost instantaneously from ‘high art’ to high camp is a delight; their playing is first class and their collective sense of humour indispensable.
Deryk Barker, Victoria Times Colonist